Symantec Replicator Option
Key Features
- Synchronous, asynchronous and bunker replication to provide disaster recovery capabilities over any distance without compromising performance, data availability, or data consistency.
- Automatically reclaim all unused storage when using replication software to migrate online from thick to thin storage.
- Simplified cross-platform file replication and data migration capabilities enabling automated, transparent, online migration of data between heterogeneous server architectures.
- Proven replication solution to perform complex data center migrations or hardware refreshes while keeping applications online.
Key Benefits
- Proven replication solution to perform complex data center migrations or hardware refreshes while keeping applications online.
- Significant reduction in CPU, bandwidth, and storage needs for the initial synchronization operation.
- Increased flexibility of enterprise IT operations through a reduction in time and resources to migrate data between unlike platforms.
- Cost-effective replication software solution to manage the risks and complexity of a data center migration and dramatically minimize application downtime.