Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Webinar Recap

Discover how NetX Information Systems’ D3P service ensures the integrity and accessibility of financial records, providing regulators with a comprehensive mechanism to supervise and scrutinize market activities effectively. Additionally, delve into Vicarius' vRx to explore proactive methods for detecting, prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities in software, systems, and networks. This session will empower you with knowledge to take a preemptive stance in addressing potential threats.
NetX Information Systems' D3P (Designated Third Party)
- The Importance of Regulatory Compliance.
- The SEC Rule 17a-4 and CFTC Rule 1.31 that provide specific details around how electronic data is to be stored.
- The Role of Third-Party Review and it’s Benefit
Vicarius' vRx (Vulnerability Management)
- Full visibility and control over the vulnerability management process from detection, to prioritization, through remediation all within a single platform.
- Reduces risk by providing actionable insights and recommendations to prioritize and address vulnerabilities.
- Automated remediation capabilities and patchless protection
For More Question About D3P or Vicarius vRx
please contact us with the form below